A family is the first unit of the Core. Once within The Core, you are given a family, nine other people that are an integral part of your life.

The dreamer is the visionary in your family. They look at life in a different way, remind us too to reexamine how we see.

The merchant is the link to the market of exchange for all that is necessary. They run the family’s business. In the period of time between modern life and the full implementation of The Core, the merchant is the link to both the legal and economic system under which we live.

A caregiver cares for the needs of the family. They are the ones that provide comfort and care, find ways to encourage and support the rest of the family.

Worker (2)
Every family has a business run through the Merchant. Every family has two workers. While everyone in the family works for the betterment of the family, a worker’s direction is toward increasing the family’s value.

A protector is always willing to protect the family from others as well as itself.

Elder (4)
The elders of the family are the four oldest members. They form a council that helps make the decisions for the family

The Novus
Opposite the elders the novus is comprised of the first three members of the family.